Tag Archives: health care decisions

What is an Estate and Do You Need Estate Planning?

Estate planning

For many, the word “estate” conjures up thoughts of a sprawling mansion. In reality, it doesn’t matter if you own a mansion or a mobile home. Estate planning is simply a fancy name for a plan to make sure that your property and health care wishes are carried out when you die.

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Do You Know What To Save?

keep or shred

In a recent report we touched on the importance of keeping certain financial documents.

Today, we are taking a deeper dive into what you should keep and for how long. We’ll also give you suggestions on where to store documents, and when they are no longer needed, how to get rid of them.

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What Info Do You Need In An Emergency?

paper files

What information do people need to access in emergency situations?

A trip to the ER may require: 

List of allergies, current medications, medical history, doctor contacts, family contacts, insurance information, photo identification.

A fire or natural disaster may require:

Identification documents, insurance documents, proof of ownership (such as deeds or titles), access to bank accounts for emergency cash, pet location information, medical information and family contact information.

So where do you keep this information?  Is it accessible and is it secure?

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Planning for the Ultimate Act of Love

Paper heart

For me the ultimate act of love is planning ahead.

I call it Death Etiquette™:

Death Etiquette™ – Being thoughtfully prepared for one’s own passing. Accordingly, making things easier for family and loved ones by leaving clear and concise instructions in regard to your final wishes for funeral desires as well as location and access to important documents and accounts. Further identifying who should be responsible for carrying out the final wishes and ultimately settling all the final affairs.  It is a simple act which saves loved ones Stress, Time and Money…. the things which divide families!

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