Category Archives: Insurance & Legal Documents

11 End-of-life Planning Mistakes To Avoid

End-of-life Planning Mistakes

In a perfect world, your end of end-of-life plan will account for everything. Every “i” dotted and every “t” crossed. In reality though, mistakes happen, and it’s often the small stuff that causes the most problems. And these mistakes can wreak havoc on your loved ones! So we’ve compiled a list of the most common and not-so-common pitfalls to avoid.

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What is an Estate and Do You Need Estate Planning?

Estate planning

For many, the word “estate” conjures up thoughts of a sprawling mansion. In reality, it doesn’t matter if you own a mansion or a mobile home. Estate planning is simply a fancy name for a plan to make sure that your property and health care wishes are carried out when you die.

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Do You Know What To Save?

keep or shred

In a recent report we touched on the importance of keeping certain financial documents.

Today, we are taking a deeper dive into what you should keep and for how long. We’ll also give you suggestions on where to store documents, and when they are no longer needed, how to get rid of them.

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Top Picks from Komando and!

Top Picks from Komando

In a recent report, talked about the importance of end-of-life planning and included My Life and Wishes as the “best on-line end-of-life planning and document service(s)”.
In a related Article, Kim Komando names My Life and Wishes as one of her top picks on organizing end-of-life plans.

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