Category Archives: Inspiration

Reduce Panic Before An Emergency Strikes!

Most of us have participated in emergency drills – usually weather related and usually at work or school.  But what happens if an emergency strikes while you’re at home? Does your family have a plan to evacuate or hunker down? What about preparing your neighborhood, apartment building or block on what to do if a disaster strikes your community?

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Planning for the Ultimate Act of Love

Paper heart

For me the ultimate act of love is planning ahead.

I call it Death Etiquette™:

Death Etiquette™ – Being thoughtfully prepared for one’s own passing. Accordingly, making things easier for family and loved ones by leaving clear and concise instructions in regard to your final wishes for funeral desires as well as location and access to important documents and accounts. Further identifying who should be responsible for carrying out the final wishes and ultimately settling all the final affairs.  It is a simple act which saves loved ones Stress, Time and Money…. the things which divide families!

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