Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Heart of Hospice interviews Jon Braddock

heart of hospice

Have you ever been the decision maker for someone else’s choices?  Not the little choices, like what outfit to wear, or where to eat dinner.  The big decisions.

Where a person wants to be buried.

How he wants to die, surrounded by family, or with medical professionals there.

What kind of care she wants for her physical body – cremation, burial, body donation.

Where the money goes after death.

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Enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without the guilt!

Thanksgiving Day turkey

The Thanksgiving holiday is designed to set aside time to be grateful and to express gratitude for all the gifts that saturate our lives.  Many of us celebrate by spending time with family and friends, enjoying time away from work, watching football and sharing magnificent meals together.  But many of us are left feeling guilty about indulging in the traditional colossal meals and spirits. 

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