So it happened. All the precautions my spouse and I took. Staying in our “bubble”, utilizing grocery delivery, masking up for essential outings, not going out to eat, not engaging in social gatherings… But eventually, we contracted COVID-19. We didn’t experience the severity many families have. But the experience touched our lives in heart-breaking ways.
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Has Adoption Touched Your Life?
This Saturday we celebrate National Adoption Day. There’s a designated “National Day” of a lot of things. And since there are over 5 million Adoptees in the U.S., and, almost 1/3 of us have adoption in our family, you may want to read this…
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“Being in the financial planning industry for over 35 years and focusing on end of life planning, we’ve become accustomed to seeing first-hand what families go through after the death of a loved one. Many times, there is added pain and frustration because they just don’t know what to do.” Michelle Braddock, Co-Founder, My Life and Wishes Inc.
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There are many expenses after a person dies. The most immediate being burial and funeral costs.
So what’s the best way for family or personal representatives to pay for these expenses? Should you write a check or pay for these expenses with the deceased persons’ credit card?
The answer is probably not! Even if you’re an authorized user on these accounts, it may be considered Fraud to continue to use them once a person dies.